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What’s The Real Estate Market in Calgary Doing?

The real estate market in Calgary has been incredibly busy up until now, and looks set to continue that way. With the ongoing health pandemic, Canadians have been forced to alter everything about their lives, and with lockdowns and curfews in place for many weeks, their priorities have shifted towards their homes, and making them as comfortable and livable as possible.

12 Jul 2021

Mortgage Preparation Tips

We might be heading towards the halfway point of the year, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t reassess your financial goals and begin preparing to get a mortgage loan; not all resolutions have to be made on the 1st January! With this in mind, here are a few tips to help you better manage your finances and begin saving for a mortgage:

02 Jun 2021

Does Bad Credit Always Stand in The Way of a Mortgage?

When you make a late payment or default on a payment, the lender or creditor reports the information to the credit bureaus. Then, it’s included in your personal credit report, which can then be used to enable other lenders or creditors to make a more informed decision as to whether to extend you credit. If you’re applying for a mortgage and have bad credit, this can affect your ability to secure a loan, but it doesn’t always have to be a complete barrier.

17 May 2021
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