Fort McMurray Mortgage Broker
posted in Fort McMurray Mortgage
We are growing! I’m pleased to announce that I have expanded my mortgage service into the Wood Buffalo and Fort McMurray area. I have been fortunate to work with many kind clients in this area, and look forward to continued presence in Fort McMurray. As a mortgage broker serving Fort McMurray, I am a licensed and regulated professional with direct underwriting relationships to both lenders and my clients.
Due to the high property value in the region, lenders who do not understand the economy tend to be leery lending to Fort McMurray. However, all of my dedicated underwriters are very familiar with the Fort McMurray market and have no issues lending here. I have had multiple clients come to me after working with their bank and mortgage broker in Fort McMurray, who weren't able to be approved by their broker, that later had success with me.
Most clients find that if they run into any issues with obtaining approval in Fort McMurray, it is because the insurers have asked for more down payment or a co-signor . However, over 90% of the transactions that I have had success with in Fort McMurray have been approved by our third insurer. Most lenders don't use this insurer.
So, if you're looking for a mortgage broker in Fort McMurray, please do not hesitate to fill out an application online, or call me toll free at 1.877.807.7222 ext. 213.